About Me

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hey blogger, my name is aiera.. noty , crazy with fashion ??it was me. i like to spend time with play guitar , travel with my family , shopping , and hang with my friends .fully taken by someone that special to me since first i love him until now ♥EPUL♥ . wo ai ni,wo yau ni,wo hen xiang ni wo de wang zhi.if you(any blogger) dunt like my blog ? Hen wo ma? Liang ci wo hen ni !!ouh !!so simple. .ni chow aa chi sing !Buyao wangjì qianwan buyao shìtu mofang wo de xiangfa.. Ba ta feng le !!!

Blog Archive

16 July, 2011


pejam celik-pejam celik ..haryy semakin cepat , masa semakin laju ..
agy bpea minggu nak bulan 8 da ..
da laa puasa ..busy ngn projek psang monitor and cpu ..huh~
study lagy subject2 penting ..terleka nty bufday sdri pown mybe x ingat ..haha :DD
but i wish orang yg terdekat x lupa jugak tentang ituu ..
ingat pown suda bermakna ...huhuhuu~
next friday(22.07.2011)akuw x dea ..gy camping ..waa~
3 hary berturut2 laa aku x online ..hehee ;)
but klorw gy msty rinduu bebel-an cik norma and si kecik epul ..hahaha :DD
and what i dreamin' is people that i love ..their love me too ..haha :DD
and daa ..what goin' to tell is i want my missin' tweety back ..(!)

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