About Me

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hey blogger, my name is aiera.. noty , crazy with fashion ??it was me. i like to spend time with play guitar , travel with my family , shopping , and hang with my friends .fully taken by someone that special to me since first i love him until now ♥EPUL♥ . wo ai ni,wo yau ni,wo hen xiang ni wo de wang zhi.if you(any blogger) dunt like my blog ? Hen wo ma? Liang ci wo hen ni !!ouh !!so simple. .ni chow aa chi sing !Buyao wangjì qianwan buyao shìtu mofang wo de xiangfa.. Ba ta feng le !!!

Blog Archive

07 October, 2010


poor my sygss(red t-shirt)

oUuHH cik ijam !

cyg so happy when i open the door. .

i saw u at the front of my house. .

OMG !!

i thought u doesn't want to come here. .

upenyerr dtg jgk . .

ouh and im so sorry cosz pkse u cuwoh dtg. .

bcosz of that b mkin trok dmam. .

im soo0o0o0o0o0o0 sorry dear. .


dluw happy but now not anymore. .this is last eid that we're together. .happy together. .sharing story together. .but bcause one crisis !!!we're *PORAK PERANDA*..
ta phm dgan org zman skrang. .snggop ta knl SIBLINGS,NIECE,COUSIN sdri !!because of. . .
ArGhHhHhHhHh !!
malas deyh ma0o pkiRrin. .buadd sket jiwa sjea!!
bkan nye ma0o mengutuk OR mengata ?
but TERnyata !
sesiapa yg bce aq nasihat kn jgn TERasa !
cosz nnti u all bol3 jdi GiLa juga. . . .!
sekian ini sja laa yg aq ma0o ckpkn. .
cosz ta ma0o nnti adea KeSiLaPaN n KeGiLaAn terJaDi !!..................


music . sound . cool !