this date very important for me. .sometimes it make me happy,but sometimes make me sad. . .
happy ??first that i wanna it happen in this date is who that be the first person that wish my bufday. .i also hope that person is HIM ?!i don't know if he forget my date of birth. . .
nothing to say la. .
second is,i hope that my wishing comes true. .prsnt?if a person who wnt to buy some prsnt 4 me. .but the thing tht so special to me is card and remember my birthday. .thats all i very2 appriciate. .
but that i very excited is my mom wanna bought a guitar for me. .haa. .!i can't wait for it. .
i hope that my birhtday for this year. .very2 cool birthday n that i can't forget about it. .
i hope HIM not forget. . .if he forgot. .so sad. . .